Presets, Presets -29, Operating instructions – Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9374-EMDE Quad-Stream SDI – AES – MADI Embedder_De-embedder User Manual

Page 61: 9374-series function submenu list and descriptions

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937X-OM (V1.3)



Operating Instructions

9374-Series Function Submenu List and Descriptions


Allows up to seven card user settings configuration
presets to be saved in a Preset and then recalled (loaded)
as desired. All current settings are saved when a Preset
Save is invoked.

Table 3-1

9374-Series Function Submenu List — continued

Presets allow convenient recall of custom user settings performed on the card. When a preset is invoked, only the setting
changes called by the preset are re-loaded, avoiding unnecessary delay or signal disruption that would otherwise result from a
global control preset change.

The Preset Name field allows entry of names that
are useful in describing the purpose or action of a
particular preset, as shown in the examples here.

(Up to 62 ASCII characters can be entered.)

• Preset Save stores all current card control settings for the selected

preset (in this example, pressing Save for Preset 0 (“RoutingX123”)
saves all current card control settings to Preset 0.

• Preset Load recalls and applies a saved preset.

Download (save) card presets to a
network computer by clicking
Download Presets – Save at the
bottom of the Presets page.

Browse to a desired
save location (in this
example, My

The file can then be
renamed if desired
(RCVR21 Presets in
this example)
before committing
the save.

Upload (open) card presets from a network
computer by clicking Upload
at the bottom of

Browse to the location
where the file was saved
on the computer or
drive (in this
example, My

Select the desired
file and click Open
to load the file to the

Note: • Preset transfer between card download and file

upload is on a group basis (i.e., individual presets
cannot be downloaded or uploaded separately).

• After uploading a presets file, engagement of a

desired preset is only assured by pressing the a
Load button for a desired preset.