Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9374-EMDE Quad-Stream SDI – AES – MADI Embedder_De-embedder User Manual
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9374-Series Cards Functional Description
937X-OM (V1.3)
Reference Function
The 9374-series cards use a common reference for all SDI video channels,
with the reference being selectable from
, or
obtained from the frame references. This provides for proper audio
embedding, and rendering and switchover transitions from program video to
the flat-field generators as well as stable output video.
Where multiple SDI streams are to accommodated by the card, certain con-
siderations exist regarding video formats handled simultaneously. See Con-
siderations Regarding Multiple-Channel SDI (p. 3-8) in Chapter 3, Operating
Instructions for more information. Unless all SDI inputs received by the card
are synchronous, all SDI inputs should be frame-synchronized using a com-
mon frame reference, with the same reference also to be used by this card.
MADI sources should also be frame-referenced to either the video being used
or a reference. Asynchronous AES audio is sample-rate converted to accom-
modate minor timing variances. Received SMPTE 337 (Dolby
data) over an
AES input is automatically bypassed from the sample rate converters; this
data must be synchronous to video.
Flat-Field Generators
Independent flat-field generators are provided for each SDI channel. Either
manually selected or via failover on loss of SDI input, the generators are
individually configurable to output a flat field, with nine choices of color
being user selectable.
Tone Generators
The 9374-Series contains 16 built-in tone generators of frequencies from
20 Hz to 20 kHz (default level is -20 dBFS). (Where card is licensed for
only 12 tone generators are present.)
Timecode Processor
(See Figure 1-2.) This function uses extracted timecode data from the input
video (waveform or ATC), reference VITC waveform, or internal (free run)
and in turn re-inserts selected timecode data into the program video signal.
Each channel supported by the card has its own independent processor. The
function can monitor video input and reference input for supported timecode
formats, and then select and prioritize among SDI VITC waveform, SDI
ATC_VITC, and SDI ATC_LTC timecode sources. If the preferred format is
detected, the preferred format is used by the card; if the preferred format is
not detected, the card uses other formats (where available) as desired.
The function also provides conversion between various timecode formats and
provides independent insertion and line number controls for each SDI
timecode output format.