Daystar KG09117BK User Manual
Coil spring spacer installation instructions

Coil Spring Spacer Installation Instructions
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Instruction sheet P10476-04
1 of 2
© 2006 Daystar Products
International Inc
Bill of
Part Number
Quantity Description
Coil spring spacer
H7006S 2
H7088S 2
Hardware bag, front shocks
Hardware bag, rear shocks
1. Check to see that the spacer kit you purchased matches the year and model of your vehicle. Spacer kits two inches or
taller may require a spring compressor to install. Ball joint and tie rod forks may also be useful.
2. A good portion of your front suspension will be disassembled so this would be a good time to replace any worn parts
(i.e. tie rod ends, ball joints, idler arm and any bushings) Replace bushings with polyurethane replacement parts.
3. Jack up vehicle as high as possible using jack stands for support at all times.
4. With vehicle safely off the ground remove front tires. It is advisable to disassemble on side at a time so that you can
use the other side as a reference for re-assembly in the event you get side tracked.
5. Remove the brake caliper from the rotor (attached with 2 bolts inside the caliper or with press-in clips depending on
the vehicle). Do not remove the brake line from the caliper unless you intend to bleed the brakes at this time. Set the
caliper aside or tie it up to the frame rail. Avoid pinching the brake line.
6. Remove the tie rod from the spindle using the proper tools. Do not hit the tie rod itself or the nut on the threaded
portion of the tie rod or it may cause damage and need replacing.
7. Remove the anti-sway bar from the lower control arm. This would be a good time to replace the end link bushings with
polyurethane replacement bushings.
8. If your vehicle is equipped with anti-lock brakes you must now disconnect the front rotor sensor from the dust shield or
spindle and set it aside.
9. Remove the factory shock absorber completely from the vehicle.
10. Support the lower control arm with jack just touching the arm. This will prevent it from dropping when the ball joint is
11. The use of a coil spring compressor is recommended before the following steps are taken.
12. Disconnect the upper ball joint from the top of the spindle using the proper tools. Do not hit the ball joint or the
threaded end of the ball joint. Once the ball joint is free the spindle should move easily.
13. Be careful when lowering the lower control arm. The coil spring is under high compression and may shoot out when
released. Do not stand near the side of the truck during this step. Lower the jack so that the lower control arm swings
down. If the coil spring has not fallen out on it’s own you may need to use a pry bar from the front of the vehicle to
remove it.
14. Note which end of the coil spring is “bottom” for installation. Also note the depression in the lower control arm. It is
important that the last winding of the coil spring fit into the indentation completely so that the vehicle will sit level. Do
not switch coil springs from side to side as some vehicles have a specific “right” and “left” coil spring.
15. Check the coil spacer for proper fitment into the coil spring mount in the frame. The flat part of the spacer should face
up and touch the top of the spring mount. Some vehicles have guiding tabs to center the coil spring in its top mount.
These tabs may have become bent and need to be bent back to allow the spacer to properly fit in the mount.
16. Install the coil spring with the spacer on top of it. If used the coil spring compressor should still be on the spring in a
compressed state. If it is not you may need to compress the spring before re-installing. Make sure the spacer is
centered in the upper mount and the bottom of the spring is properly nested in the receptor groove on the lower
control arm. If you are installing a two-inch or taller spacer you may need a spring compressor. Follow all safety rules
when installing the coil spring as it will be under extreme compression.
17. Raise the lower control arm with a jack once the coil spring and spacer are properly lined up. Raise until the spindle is
high enough to bolt on the upper ball joint. Before bolting on the upper ball joint make sure the brake caliper and
brake line are where they need to be since some brake lines run inside the spindle and outside the coil spring.
18. With the upper ball joint tight and a cotter pin re-installed you may now remove the jack from under the lower control