Daystar KJ09113BK User Manual

KJ09111 /13 1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee WJ 2” Coil Spring Spacers
1. Read complete instructions before beginning installation, the following
special tools are recommended: Coil spring compressor, floor jack,
jack stands, and metric hand tools.
2. Jack the vehicle in the center of the front axle.
3. Support the vehicle by placing jack stands on the frame behind the
control arms so that the front tire/wheels are off the ground freely.
4. Remove the front tires/wheels.
5. Remove the lower shock nuts that secure the shock to the axle on both
6. Remove the coil springs.
7. Remove the upper coil spring isolator and install onto the coil spring
8. Starting on the left side of the vehicle install the coil spring spacer onto
the frame.
9. Install the coil spring. Note the position of the spring as it seats into the
lower coil spring isolator on the axle so that it is at its stop. It must be
seated into the coil spring isolator.
10. In order to complete step # 9 on the right side of the vehicle you may
have to use a coil spring compressor in order to install the coil spring.
You may also disconnect the lower lateral track bar on the front end.
11. Jack the axle and reconnect the lower shock nuts that secure the
shock to the axle.
12. Install the front tires/wheels.
13. Lower the vehicle onto the ground.
14. Torque all bolts to factory specifications and re-torque after 500 miles..
15. Daystar recommends having the front end alignment checked after
installing the coil spring spacer lift.
Tech Support Contact Info
Phone: 623.907.0081
Fax: 623.907.0088
841 South 71
Phoenix, AZ 85043
Instruction Sheet P10498-02
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