Procedures for replacing network scr board – Grain Systems PNEG-1181 User Manual
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9. Wiring Reference
PNEG-1181 Portable Dryer Troubleshooting
Procedures for Replacing Network SCR Board
The following three pages will explain how to calibrate the SCR board on a Network Dryer. Remember
when replacing a SCR board on a Network Dryer that it takes a special top board. Not replacing it with
the proper board could cause damage to the Dryer’s Input/Output board.
The necessary part numbers are listed below:
1. D03-0679-SCR Drive Board (complete top and bottom board without resistor) (Network Only)
2. D03-0592-SCR Drive Board Top Unit (Network Only)
3. D03-0711-SCR Drive Board Bottom Unit (Used On all Dryers)
4. D03-0039-1/3HP Resistor
5. D33-0001-3/4HP Resistor
Before starting the replacement procedure, set the dryer up as follows:
1. All fan and heater switches to the OFF position and the load switch to the OFF position.
2. Control power to the ON position.
3. Push the dryer power switch (make sure that the switch button illuminates).
4. Moisture control switch to the OFF position.
5. Dryer mode switch to Continuous Flow position.
6. Unload switch to 2 Speed position.
Figure 9F Control Panel Switch Locations
control switch
Drying mode switch
Unload switch
Meter roll speed
control potentiometer