Grain Systems PNEG-1707 User Manual
Page 40

8. Dryer Operation
PNEG-1707 TM-Series Tower Dryer
3. The dryer can be operated using a grain temperature only based moisture control or a moisture based
control utilizing the moisture sensors on the dryer. Most operators choose to operate the dryer using
the moisture based moisture controller. To set the moisture controller to the moisture based system,
press the Moisture button.
The Moisture box should have a check mark.
4. Two (2) options exist for the moisture based moisture control, either “Variable” or “5 Speed”. In the
“Variable” mode the unload rate of the dryer will continuously vary to maintain the desired final
moisture levels. In the “5 Speed” mode, the unload rate will make stepped changes in speed to
maintain the desired final moisture. The “Variable” option works best if the incoming moisture to the
dryer is fairly consistent. The “5 Speed” option works best for changing incoming moisture levels.
To activate either, press the appropriate button under the Moisture Based Options portion of the
window shown in
Figure 8D
5. Once the appropriate moisture controller option is selected, the dryer unload rate can be
automatically controlled by first selecting the desired final moisture content of the grain exiting
the dryer. Press the M/C button on the bottom right hand corner of the main dryer screen.
Enter the final desired moisture content.
To activate
the automatic moisture control, turn the Unload Auger switch to the AUTO position. NOTE: To avoid
wide swings in outgoing moisture levels on initial cold dryer start-ups, it is best to operate the unload
system manually until the dryer and grain within the dryer is warmed up.
Figure 8E