Grain Systems PNEG-630 User Manual
Page 92

Portable Dryer Troubleshooting
Programing Instructions for Competitor Series Grain Dryers
Competitor Wiring Reference
1. Turn Control Power on dryer to the off position.
2. Locate programming jack (J2) on back of computer. (See next page). There will be a cable plugged into
this jack that comes from the other computer board. Unplug this cable to plug the programmer into the jack.
3. Plug the series 2000 cable into programming jack and into programmers DB-9 jack.
4. Be sure that the rotary switch on the programmer is set to position 8.
5. Turn on Control Power to the dryer.
6. The four (4) lights on the programmer will come on, then three (3) will go out leaving the power light still on.
7. Push the start button on the programmer to start the transfer of Software.
8. The busy light will flash until the transfer process is complete.
9. When completed, the pass light will flash indicating a successful transfer.
10. If the fail light flashes then check your connections and repeat the above process.
11. Turn Control Power on dryer to off and remove the cable.
12. Turn on the dryer and the opening screens should indicate the newer version of software.