7 proxy – VEGA MoRoS GPRS 1.3 User Manual

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MoRoS GPRS 1.3



Defining the Exposed Host

As an option, the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 can forward all packets which do not comply with any
port forwarding rule, to a predefined computer in the LAN, also called "Exposed Host" (for
example, for diagnostic purposes). The setting for the "Exposed Host" is in principle a
port forwarding rule without criteria, which therefore applies to all packets. The "Ex-
posed Host" contains all packets which have not been requested by the local network of
the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 or which have not been forwarded to a participant in the local net-
work by a port forwarding rule. If no "Exposed Host" is configured, these incoming pack-
ets are discarded.

Configuration with the web interface

To define an "Exposed Host", enter the IP address of a computer in the LAN in
the entry field "Exposed Host" in the menu "Dial-out" (Figure 15, page 36
above, position 4). This IP address must be accessible to all ports from the out-

Save the settings by clicking "OK" (Figure 15, page 36 above, position 5).




Configuring the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 Proxy Server

The MoRoS GPRS 1.3 provides a proxy server. It does not serve as a cache for frequently
accessed websites. It is used to delay the connection timeouts for dialing connections
that load slowly (e.g. via modem) and to filter undesired URLs. (e.g.

The proxy supports the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Configuration with the web interface

To switch the proxy server of the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 on, activate the checkbox
"Activate proxy server" in the menu "System" on the page "Proxy" (Figure 25,
page 40 above, position 1).

In the entry field "Proxy server port" (Figure 25, page 40 above, position 2), en-
ter the port, which you want to use to access the proxy server from the inter-
nal network at the IP address of the MoRoS GPRS 1.3.

To terminate connections after a certain time, which seem to be inactive, you
can adjust the time in the entry field "Timeout for inactive connections"
(Figure 25, page 40 above, position 3).

To avoid overloading the MoRoS GPRS 1.3, you can restrict the number of cli-
ents which can connect to the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 at the same time. Enter the
maximum number of simultaneously authorized clients in the entry field
"Maximum number of authorized clients (Figure 25, page 40 above, position

To increase the availability of the proxy you can define a minimum number of
proxy server processes. Enter the desired number of proxy server processes
that are always running on the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 into the entry field "Minimum