4 dial-in – VEGA MoRoS GPRS 1.3 User Manual
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MoRoS GPRS 1.3
Save the settings by clicking "OK" (Figure 10, page 32 above, position 9).
Set Network Mask
You can determine, into which mobile network the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 should log into. Your
SIM card must support roaming. The MoRoS GPRS 1.3 can then connect to the strongest
available network at the location, with a certain preferred network (which may not nec-
essarily the strongest available network), or exclusively with the network of a certain
provider. If you determine a "preferred provider", the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 will attempt to
always connect to a network of this provider. If the connection attempt to the network of
the preferred provider fails, the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 will connect to the best available net-
work of any provider.
Configuration with the web interface
To select the type of network, use the radio buttons in the menu "GSM /
GPRS" (Figure 10, page 32 above, position 11) to choose if the MoRoS GPRS 1.3
should log into the strongest network, to a preferred provider and its network,
or exclusively into the network of a provider determined by you.
To ensure that the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 gives preference to the network of a cer-
tain provider when logging in, use the radio buttons in the menu "GSM /
GPRS" (Figure 10, page 32 above, position 11) to select the option "Preferably
log into this provider". Enter the number of the provider in the entry field
(Figure 10, page 32 above, position 6). You can obtain the number of the pro-
vider using the link under the question mark next to "Read provider list from
modem ..." (Figure 10, page 32 above, position 10). To read the data, a SIM
card must be inserted and the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 must be logged into a
GSM/GPRS network.
To ensure that the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 logs exclusively into the network of a cer-
tain provider, use the radio buttons in the menu "GSM / GPRS" (Figure 10,
page 32 above, position 11) to select the option "Exclusively log into this pro-
vider". Enter the number of the provider in the entry field (Figure 10, page 32
above, position 6). You can obtain the number of the provider using the link
under the question mark next to "Read provider list from modem ..." (Figure
10, page 32 above, position 10).
Save the settings by clicking "OK" (Figure 10, page 32 above, position 9).
Set the Dial-In Server
You can use the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 as dial-in server or incoming PPP server. The dial-in
function allows for computers to connect remotely via modem through the MoRoS GPRS
1.3 to the network behind the MoRoS GPRS 1.3. Similar to the dial-in at an Internet pro-
vider, users will authenticate themselves via user name and password at the MoRoS
GPRS 1.3. To authenticate the PPP users, the methods PAP or CHAP are available. Suc-