VEGA MoRoS GPRS 1.3 User Manual

Page 48

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MoRoS GPRS 1.3


cessfully authenticated users can establish a PPP connection to access the network of the
MoRoS GPRS 1.3.

Configuration with the web interface

To activate the dial-in server, select the radio button "Activate dial-in" in the
Menu "Dial" (Figure 13, page 34, above, position 2).

Define the number of ring tones, after which the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 will answer
the call. Enter the number of ring tones until going off-hook into the entry
field "Ring tones until call acceptance". (Figure 13, page 34, above, position 4)

You can define an idle time, after which the dial-in connection is closed as
soon as no data transfer occurs any more. Enter the time in seconds in the en-
try field "Idle time" (Figure 13, page 34, above, position 3). If the connection
should remain established although there is an idle time, enter the value "0".

As an option, you can define the IP addresses of the end points of the PPP
connection, if these addresses have already been allocated to one of the net-
works of the {{{PRODUKTBEZEICHNUNG}} or at a remote network (Figure 13,
page 34, above, position 7 and 8). As default, the IP address of the {{{PRO-
DUKTBEZEICHNUNG}} is The standard address of the remote
terminal is

To use PPP authentification based on user names and passwords, activate the
checkbox "Authentification for dial-in" (Figure 13, page 34, above, position 5).
If you deactivate this checkbox, any caller may establish a PPP connection.

To a turn the NAT function off and on, use the checkbox „Activate NAT“
(Figure 13, page 34, above, Position 14). The NAT function for Dial-IN is activa-
ted by default. For some configarations it is usesful to deactivate this functi-
on, e. g. when a device from withih the LAN of the MoRoS GPRS 1.3 requestes
a connection to the in-dialing device and this device answers the request on
one port with a connection from another port.

Save the settings, by clicking "OK" (Figure 13, page 34, above, position 10).


Automatic callback

You can trigger an automatic callback to a predefined destination phone number of the
MoRoS GPRS 1.3 with a data call or a phone call. You can set authorized callers for these
numbers. The callers can identify themselves via the PPP authentification methods PAP
or CHAP, or via their CLIP phone number. The connection, which is then established by
the MoRoS GPRS 1.3, must first be configured in the menu "Dial-out" (Figure 14, page 35
above, position 1). Only connections to the preconfigured dial-out destination are possi-

Configuration with the web interface

To trigger a dial-out connection through a caller, activate the checkbox "Acti-
vate automatic callback" (Figure 13, page 34, above, position 11). The dial-out
connection, which is triggered through a caller, must first be configured in the
menu "Dial-out" (Figure 14, page 35, above, position 1).
To enable callers to trigger a connection, they must either identify themselves