2 ascii protocol, 1 measured value enquiry via ascii protocol – VEGA Modbus-TCP, ASCII protocol User Manual
Page 9

2 ASCII protocol
Modbus-TCP, ASCII protocol • VEGAMET 391/624/625, VEGASCAN 693, PLICSRADIO C62
2 ASCII protocol
2.1 Measured value enquiry via ASCII protocol
With the ASCII protocol you can enquire PC/DCS values via the
Ethernet or RS232 interface. Through the use of ASCII characters,
measured value enquiry is possible using simple terminal programs
such as HyperTerminal.
The PC/DCS values are retrieved by special commands. It is possible
to get the measured value in different resolutions, with/without unit or
with current date/time.
The activation of the ASCII protocol is carried out via the instrument
DTM under "Device settings - RS232 interface". For the ASCII proto-
col, the following interface parameters are default settings:
Coding system: 8 Bits, ASCII
Baud rate: 9600 Bits/sec
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
For direct connection between signal conditioning instrument and
PC or DCS, the RS232 modem connection cable and an additionally
connected interlink cable from the scope of delivery will be required. If
connection is provided via modem, only the attached RS232 modem
connection cable is used. You will find further information in chapter
The ASCII protocol is handled via the TCP/IP - Port 503. When us-
ing the terminal program HyperTerminal, the following settings are
IP addr. of the signal conditioning instrument:
(default setting)
TCP/IP Port: 503
Connection: TCP/IP
Access via RS232
Access via Ethernet