Insert disk and press any key, Finished downloading veris_____.dat, Press any key – Veris Technologies 2000XA Soil EC Mapping System (1997-2008 floppy disk drive 1.76G) - Operating Instructions User Manual

Page 16: Downloading/deleting old files

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Veris Technologies

Pub. #OM 1CM02-1


Option 4: Exit File Manager. If your press the #4 button, you will immediately go to data acquisition
mode, and can then choose to begin or quit.

If you selected Option 1 above, here is the next display you will see:

Insert disk and press any key

Meaning: The instrument is expecting to download the file.
Choice: Insert disk, then press any key. The display will read “Working”, which means the system
is checking out your disk to see if you have enough disk space to accept the file. If you do not have
enough space, it will ask you to insert a different disk. Depending on the size of the file, it may take a
couple of minutes before the next display appears.
(If you discover you don’t have a diskette at this point, you can shut the power off and restart. The file
will be available for downloading later. Once the system has begun downloading the file, do not
remove the disk or shut the power off until the file is completely downloaded



____ percent complete

Meaning: System is downloading the file. Do not remove disk or shut power off until downloading
is complete.

Finished downloading Veris_____.dat
Press any Key

Meaning: The system has finished downloading to your disk and is ready for the next step.
Choices: Press any key to bring up next display.


(1) Download to disk

(3) Keep file

(2) Delete file

(4) Exit File Manager

Choices: If you press #3, the instrument will index to the next file and offer the same options. If no
files are left to download, you will then go into acquisition mode. If you press #4, you will go directly
into data acquisition mode.

Downloading/deleting old files…

This section deals with how to download and delete old files. Veris Technologies recommends that
you do not delete any old files until they have been saved to a hard disk drive and properly backed
up. Once you have done this, it’s a good idea to delete the files from the Veris instrument. This will
save time in searching the system for new files, and will insure that you have enough available
memory to store the new map files you are creating. It is also recommended that you delete any files

(1) Begin data acquisition
(2) Quit