Velleman projects K8050 Assembly instructions User Manual

Page 13

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Testing the circuit

Now test the inputs :

Using your transmitter, choose each time a different output.

Ex. Press 1 on your transmitter, normally LED LD1 should light.

Repeat this for every output.

All the LED’s should have lit up one by one.

Test the outputs :

You can check each output for correct operation,

using a LED and resistor (390Ω) in series.

Connect pin +V of SK2, see point A with the left

side of the resistor (See fig 3.0) and connect the

cathode side of the diode with the output 1. The

right sight of the resistor is connected with the

Anode of the LED.

Repeat this for every output (A+2, A+3, …


The LED should have lit each time you have

chosen a different output.

FIG 3.0