Quick-start guide, Step 3, Page 3 of 9 – TROY Group Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 9000 Font DIMM Kit Quick-Start Guide User Manual
Page 3: Install the troy, Support files for microsoft, Windows

Font DIMM Printer / Font DIMM Kit
Document #50-70381-001 Rev. I
Page 3 of 9
Install the TROY
Support Files for Microsoft
For 1320 Printer see page 5
NOTE: The Hewlett-Packard PCL 5e printer driver must be installed on the host computer
prior to loading the TROY support files (refer to STEP 2 on the previous page).
The TROY metrics file contains the required escape sequences that are used to “call” the TROY security and/or
optional barcode fonts installed in your TROY Security Printing Solution (via the TROY Font DIMM). When
properly installed, the TROY metrics file will be associated with the PCL 5e printer driver used by your
Hewlett-Packard printer to enable printing of the actual fonts installed in the printer. By associating the metrics
file with the printer driver, the TROY TrueType screen fonts will be automatically replaced with the actual
TROY fonts at print time. If the TROY metrics file is not properly installed, then the TROY TrueType screen
fonts will print instead of the actual TROY installed printer fonts.
Install the TROY Metrics File for Windows
98SE, ME, 2000, XP Operating Systems
1. Close all applications before installing the TROY Font support files.
2. Insert the TROY Font DIMM Printer and Font DIMM Kit CD into your computer CD-ROM drive.
3. From the Microsoft Windows Start menu, click on Settings, and then click on Printers.
4. Right-click on your HP printer icon, and then click on Properties from the pull-down menu. If multiple
printers are installed, make sure the correct printer icon is selected that corresponds to your HP printer.
5. Click on the Configure tab located at the top of the Properties window.
6. Within the Other Options category, click on the More button. Some printer driver versions may not
display the Other Options category. If this is the case, simply skip to the next step.
7. Within the Fonts category, place a check mark in the Font DIMMs checkbox, and then click on the
Configure button (with some printer driver software versions, the Configure button may already be
“clicked”). A new window will open labeled Configure Font DIMMs.
8. Click on the Add button to open the Add Font DIMM window.
9. Click on the Browse button to open a Windows Explorer-style window. Click on the down-arrow in the
Drives box to select the CD-ROM drive on your computer. Double-click on the Support Files folder
from the list of folders, double-click on the HPD Files folder, and then double-click on the Domestic
folder. For international products, double-click on the International folder.
10. Click on the file (located in the left-hand window) named TroySEC.hpd or TroySECINTL.hpd (for
International customers), and then click on Open or OK (the displayed window may vary depending on
the operating system being used). With some printer drivers, the Add Font DIMM window will appear.
If this window appears, click on OK to close the window.
11. Within the Configure Font DIMMs window, verify the installation by clicking on the Font DIMM
Name: TROY Security Font Collection or TROY International Security Font Collection listed under
Installed DIMMs. Within the Fonts list, the TROY E-13B (enabled) along with other TROY fonts will
be displayed.
12. Repeat Steps 9 through 11 to install the barcode fonts. Double-click on the Support Files folder, the
HPD Files folder, and the Barcode folder, and then select the TroyBAR.hpd file. Verify the installation
by clicking on the Font DIMM Name: TROY Barcode Font Collection listed under Installed DIMMs.
Within the Fonts list, the TROY barcode fonts will be displayed.
13. Close all remaining open windows. Please refer to the TROY Font DIMM Printer and Font DIMM Kit
User’s Guide, Section 3 – Using TROY Fonts before using the installed fonts.