4 autonomous mode (optional) – Soft dB Zen-Ten User guide User Manual

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User manual for the ZEN 3-channel X-LMS controller

Soft dB inc.

4.4 Autonomous mode (optional)

The autonomous mode is optional. Ask Soft dB for pricing and availability. This mode
can be used to allow obtaining a stand-alone control system. When the control system is
configured and operational, the entire configuration can be downloaded in flash memory
of the ZEN. Then, the control phase is automatically launched when the ZEN is powered
up. In this mode and during the control, the error signals are observed and the control
filters and the MU are managed to avoid divergences. The next figure presents the
Autonomous Mode tab:

Figure 18: Autonomous Mode Tab

The autonomous mode is activated with the main switch Mode Autonomous. When this
switch is ON, the ZEN automatically starts the control phase at start-up with the current
configuration stored in its flash memory. To update the flash memory with the current
configuration running on the PC, turn on the autonomous mode and click on the button
Download current configuration.

The autonomous mode can be tested with the fonction Test Autonomous Mode. This
function lauches the ZEN in autonomous mode and observes the MU and the saturations

ZEN User Manual

p. 34