Soft dB Zen-Ten User guide User Manual
Page 32

User manual for the ZEN 3-channel X-LMS controller
Soft dB inc.
The filtered reference at the input of the X-LMS
The error signals multiplied by the normalized adaptative step
size. Note: the Mux_Ey are not accessible.
Reference signals with the subtraction of control source
Note: All signals are in I16 format (16-bit signed integer) and can vary between -
32768 and 32767. So, the result in the spectral domain is not calibrated and should
be used for comparison purposes only.
Note: If the controller diverges, the user can use the Reset Wx control to restart the
optimization process. If this action does not solve the divergence problem, the
CONTROL PAUSE or Control OFF controls can be used to force the control outputs
to zero. Also, using the STOP CONV. control can stop the optimization. In this way,
the control is still activated but no optimization is done.
ZEN User Manual
p. 32