MSD 8210 Automatic Coil Selector Installation User Manual

Automatic coil selector

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Automatic Coil Selector

PN 8210

IMPORTANT: Read instructions before attempting the installation.

WARNING: High voltage is present at the Coil Selector when the engine is running. Do not touch!

The Automatic Coil Selector will switch the high voltage output from one coil to the other on redundant

ignition systems. It can be used with MSD 6 Series Ignition Controls, GM Ignition (PN 10037378), Ford

Ignition (PN M-12199-B351) and Mopar Performance Ignition (PN P4876730 and P4876728).

Note: MSD 7 Series Ignitions cannot be used with the Automatic Coil Selector.

The Coil Selector can be mounted in the engine

compartment. Make sure the secondary coil wires

reach the towers. Position the Coil Selector on a flat

surface and mark the mounting hole locations. Re-

move the unit, drill the mounting holes using a 1/8”

bit and secure the Selector.


• 90° Spark Plug Wire Boots and Terminals – Kit of nine,

PN 8850. Kit of two, PN 3311

• Blaster Coil Socket Boot and Terminal, PN 3331

• Single Pole, Double Throw Switch, PN 8807

• Tach Signal Splitter, PN 8911

  Figure 1 Mounting the Coil Selector.

Parts Included In This Kit:

1 - Coil Selector

2 - Mounting Screws

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