MSD 8410 GM HEI Rotor Installation User Manual

Msd gm hei rotor

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Parts Included:

1 - HEI Rotor

The MSD GM HEI Rotor will install on stock GM HEI Distributors and the MSD Pro-Billet HEI


1. Remove the distributor cap. Remove the two screws on the side of the rotor and pull the rotor off.

2. Inspect the distributor advance mechanism, springs and weights for wear or damage.

Note: If the distributor has aftermarket weights and bushings, interference between the bottom of the

rotor and the bushing may result. To eliminate the chance of interference, remove approximately

1/10" to 1/8" of the bushing (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Modifying Aftermarket Weight Bushings.

3. For improved protection against spark arc-through, apply a small amount of MSD Spark Guard in

the rotor well area (Figure 2). This is not necessary, just added protection.

4. The Rotor will only install one way. Make sure the aligning slot lines up with the rotor plate mounting

tab (Figure 2). Tighten the screws and install the cap and wires.


PN 8410

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