MSD 5098 DynaForce Starter, Chrysler 318-440 Engines Installation User Manual

Msd dynaforce starter

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MSD DynaForce Starter

Chrysler 318-440 Engines

PN 5098

WARNING: Before installing the DynaForce Starter disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting

the battery cables, always remove the Negative (-) cable first and install it last.

1. Make sure the starter mounting surface on the bell housing is clean and flat.

2. Install the starter with the supplied hardware. Torque the bolts to 32 lb-ft.

3. Connect the switch wire to the ignition terminal. This wire should be at least 12-gauge (Figure 1).

4. Attach the battery cable. The gauge of the battery cable depends on its length. Using the proper gauge

wire is important to the operation of the starter. Both the positive and ground wires must be able to meet

the demands of the starter. The chart in Figure 1 shows the recommended sizes. Be sure to route the

wire away from the exhaust and moving parts of the engine.

5. Connect the battery cables to the battery and start the engine.

IMPORTANT: Never operate a starter for more than 30 seconds at a time without letting it cool for at least

two minutes.



The most common cause is due to low input voltage. The battery should be checked, but also inspect the

battery wires, terminals, connections or switches.


Most sanctioning bodies require an emergency disconnect switch. Be sure to use a heavy duty switch that

is capable of handling high current. Some starters may pull over 700 amps while cranking. Most disconnect

switches are rated at continuous and intermittent amps. Make sure to use a switch that exceeds your starting

and electrical system requirements.


To check any wire or cable for voltage drop, connect one side of the voltmeter to one end of the cable

and the other side of the voltmeter to the other end. Operate the circuit and simultaneously measure the

volt drop. It should be 0.5VDC or less. A high voltage drop indicates a bad connector or an undersized

cable. The ground circuit can be checked in the same manner. Measure input voltage by connecting the

positive probe of a voltmeter to the motor terminal of the solenoid and connecting the negative to the

starter housing. This should be 9.6V minimum while cranking.

Parts Included:

1 - Starter

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IMPORTANT: Proper installation of the DynaForce Starter is important to the overall operation. Correct alignment

of the starter pinion with the ring gear is needed to achieve the best operation and longevity from

your starter. Please read the instructions before attempting the installation.

2 - Mounting Bolts