MSD 7222 7AL-2 Ignition Control Installation User Manual
Msd 7al-2 plus ignition, Features

Solid Core spark plug wires cannot be used with an MSD Ignition.
An MSD cannot be used on vehicles with CD ignitions or distributorless ignition systems.
Parts Included:
1 - MSD 7AL-2 Plus Ignition
1 - White Wire
1 - Mag Pickup Extension Harness, PN 8860
1 - Red Wire
1 - Mag Pickup Adapter Harness, PN 8859
4 - Vibration Mounts and Hardware
1 - Coil Harness, PN 8863
4 - RPM Modules: 3K, 7K, 8K and 9K
The 7AL-2 Plus Ignition is equipped with a 2-step rev control. The Ignition will accept two rpm
modules so two different rev limits can be set. One rev limit can be used for overrev protection while
the second limit can be activated on the starting line for a lower rpm limit to assist in staging and
for consistent holeshots. When 12 volts are applied to the 2-step terminal (2’S’), Module 1 is active.
Module 2 is active when there is no 12 volts.
This ignition can be used on 2, 4, 6 (even-fire) or 8-cylinder engines. The ignition is set for 8-cylinder
operation. To program the unit for other engines, remove the one screw that holds the cover to reveal
three wire loops (Figure 1). Cutting a wire loop determines the cylinder selection.
When the coil fires, current is sensed and this
LED will flash. This confirms that the ignition has
received a trigger signal and that the coil and
ignition are working properly. (If the coil is not
connected, the LED will not flash.) When the
engine is running, it will appear solid.
Cylinders Loops to Cut
Cut loops
Remove cap
WARNING: Before installing the MSD Distributor, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting
the battery cables, always remove the Negative (-) cable first and install it last.
Figure 1 Cylinder Programming.
MSD 7AL-2 Plus Ignition
PN 7222
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