MSD 8987 Start and Step Timing Control Installation User Manual

Start and step retard control, Operation

background image

Figure 1

Parts Included:

1 – Control

4 – Mounting Screws

WARNING: During installation, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting the

battery, always remove the negative cable first and install it last.

Note: Must be used with an MSD Ignition.


The Start and Step Retard provides two retard

features; a start retard and a step retard. The

Control can be connected to distributors using

a magnetic pickup, amplifier or breaker point. It

is recommended that the centrifugal advance

of the distributor be locked-out. The amount

of retard is selected with the two rotary dials

(Figure 1).
Start Retard: The Start Retard is adjusted with the

rotary dial on the left. It is adjustable in 5° increments

for 4, 6 or 8-cylinder engines from 0°-20° The

number of cylinders must be selected, even when

no start retard will be used. Simply rotate to dial to

the desired position.
The Start Retard is activated as soon as the engine

begins to crank. Between 400 and 600 rpm, the

timing begins to ramp back to zero retard (your total

timing setting). The start retard will not activate again until the engine rpm drops to 400 rpm (the timing will

also ramp on again between 600-400 rpm).

Step Retard: The Step Retard is adjusted with the dial on the right. The retard is adjustable from 0°-

15° in one degree increments. The Step Retard is activated by the Pink wire. When the Pink wire is

connected to 12 volts, the retard is activated. The most common application is to splice the Pink wire

into the activation trigger wire of a nitrous system. That way, the retard is activated with the nitrous.
The Controller also has a very accurate magnetic pickup compensation circuit built-in and will hold

the timing steady throughout the entire rpm range of the engine. This is why there will be a 4° change

in the engine timing when the Control is installed.

Important: After installation the engine’s mechanical timing must be checked and reset.









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Start and Step Retard Control

PN 8987