MSD 83811 GM LT-1 5.7L Distributor 95-97 Installation User Manual

Msd pro-billet lt-1 distributor

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IMPORTANT: Due to the number of applications and years that the LT-1 Distributor is used on, it is highly recommended

to have the Service Manual for your vehicle during this installation.


Throughout its course, the GM LT-1engine used two different drive mechanisms to connect the cam to the distributor.

Figure 1 shows the

drive for the MSD PN



This design is used

in the later model


Before removing the

distributor it is rec-

ommended to mark

the location of the ro-

tor. This is to ensure

that the distributor and cam are indexed correctly prior to reassembly.

Be sure that the O-ring between the distributor cap and the housing is in place before installing the cap. The O-ring

must be stretched out, then installed onto the housing. It will shrink back to size.


Since the timing of the MSD Pro-Billet Distributor can be ad-

justed, it is recommended that a timing indicator and mark be

fabricated prior to installing the distributor. This way, the tim-

ing can be recorded so the MSD Distributor can be set to the

same amount. From the factory, the MSD Distributor is set to

the OEM specs (one and a half turns).

The MSD Distributor can alter the timing +/-6°, with a quar-

ter turn equalling 1° of timing. The adjusting screw has a soft

Loctite compound applied to it for a seal (Figure 2). Repeated

adjustments may loosen the screw. If this occurs, remove the

screw and apply Blue Loctite to the threads. The screw can

safely be removed from the distributor.

Too much advance may cause detonation resulting in the

ECU retarding the timing through the engine’s knock sensor.

When adjusting the timing, take note that the ECU varies the

timing at an idle. It is recommended to bring the engine rpm up to 1,500 - 2,000 when setting the timing.

MSD Pro-Billet LT-1 Distributor

'94-'96 B and D-Bodies, '95-'97 F-Body,

'95-'96 Corvette, PN 83811

Parts Included:

1 - Distributor

1 - Cap

1 - Rotor

1 - Isolator

2 - Rotor Screws

1 - O-ring

3 - 1/4-20 x 2" Socket Head Cap Screws

5 - 8-32 x 0.5" Phillips Screws

1 - Removal Tool

Figure 2 Adjusting the Timing.



MSD PN 83811






Figure 1 The Drive Mechanism of the PN 83811 Distributor.

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