MSD 8762 Boost Timing Master for use with MSD Ignition Control Installation User Manual
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• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
Control Knob
Find a suitable location on the
dashboard that can easily be
reached by the driver. Drill a
7/16” hole in the firewall, install
the supplied snap bushing and route the harness wires through. Make sure the harness reaches
the connector on the BTM before mounting the control knob. Install the supplied 2-pin Weather-tight
connector (Figure 2) on the harness and connect it to the Grey/Black wire on the BTM. The order of
the wires inside the connector is not important.
Boost Line
Connect one end of an 1/8” ID vacuum line to the brass spigot on the BTM. Connect the other end of
the hose to a ported source such as the intake manifold or below the throttle blades of the carburetor
or throttle body. If you already have a boost gauge you can tee into that line.
The PN 8762 allows you to set the amount of ignition retard
as well as when the retard begins, both in relation to the
amount of boost being produced (Figure 3).
Dash Control Knob: This controls the slope of the retard.
That is, how much timing is removed per pound of boost.
The settings are 0° – 3° of retard per pound of boost with
a maximum of 15° of retard.
Start Point: This is where you adjust the beginning of the
boost retard curve. You can adjust the start point of the slope from 0 – 5 pounds of boost. A typical
setting is 2 psi for most users. Figure 3 illustrates this adjustment.
Figure 3 Setting the Timing Adjustments.
Connects to switched 12 volts.
Connects to Ground.
Connects to the MSD Ignition’s White Wire
Connects to points or amplifier trigger wire on the engine.
Connects to the magnetic pickup of the distributor or crank trigger.
2-Pin Connector:
Green is negative, Violet is positive.
Note: When using this connector, the white wire loop must be cut.
Note: The White wire and 2-Pin Magnetic Pickup wires will never be used at the same time!
Figure 2 Connecting the Control Knob Harness.