MSD 8211 Firewall Feed Thru, Red Installation User Manual

Msd firewall feed-thru

background image

1. Choose a clear, flat location on the firewall, away from hot exhaust temperatures, for mounting the

Firewall Feed-Thru. Remember, the shorter the coil wire the less chance for spark loss.

2. At the center of the chosen location, make a 1 inch diameter

hole using either a hole-saw or a knock-out punch.

3. Place the Firewall Feed-Thru in the 1" hole and mark the

centers of the 4 mounting holes. You may also use Figure 1

as a template. Remove the Firewall Feed-Thru.

4. If the firewall is thick enough (1/4" or more), you can drill the

4 holes with a #29 drill bit and then tap them for 8-32 size


If the firewall is made of a thin piece of sheet metal or aluminum,

you will have to use screws with nuts on the back. In this case,

drill the 4 mounting holes with #15 drill bit and use #8 screws

with the proper nuts.

5. Install the Firewall Feed-Thru in the 1" hole using the mounting method that you selected. The

flange can go either side of the firewall as long as it seats against a flat surface. When you tighten

the screws, use Loctite and be careful not to crush the plastic. For a waterproof installation, squirt a

little silicon on the flange

before tightening the


6. Connect one coil wire

from the distributor to the

Firewall Feed-Thru and

another coil wire from

the Feed-Thru to the coil.

You must use 90 degree

spark plug style (HEI

style) boots and terminals

for connections on both

ends of the Firewall Feed-

Thru. See Figure 2.

MSD Firewall Feed-Thru

PN 8211

Parts Included In This Kit:

1-Firewall Feed-Thru

Figure 1

Figure 2

M S D  

•   W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M   •   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0   •   F A X   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4