MSD 2346 Universal Sync Signal Kit Installation User Manual
Msd universal sync signal kit

Parts Included:
1 - Non-Magnetic Pickup
1 - Magnet
1 - Magnet Collar
The Universal Sync Signal Kit, PN 2346, is primarily used to provide a cam sync to EFI or other engine
control units that require a signal for cylinder 1 firing. This kit includes the non-magnetic pickup and
magnet only and requires mounting fabrication work for installation.
The sensor can be set to pulse at the leading or trailing edge of the signal depending on which pole of
the magnet faces the pickup. To determine the poles of the magnet, use either another magnet that is
marked North and South, or use a compass to point toward the North pole of the magnet. The south
end of the compass will point to the North pole of your magnet. When the North pole of the magnet
faces the pickup the signal will pulse on the trailing edge. When the South pole of the magnet faces
the pickup the pulse will be on the leading edge of the signal.
The magnet requires a 0.250” dia. hole. If the magnet is to be pressed in it should be prepared as 0.248
+/- 0.0005. If the magnet is not pressed in it should be secured with an epoxy inside the hole of a 0.25”
mill bit. The magnet is 0.20” deep. If the magnet is to be mounted in a steel rotational assembly the
supplied aluminum sleeve is required to prevent diffusing the magnet in the assembly. The aluminum
sleeve requires a prepared hole measuring 0.375” +/- 0.0005 or a 0.375” bit, respectively.
The threads on the non-magnetic pickup measure ½ - 20. A 27/64” bit should suffice to prepare for
the ½-20 tap.
In order to properly set the air gap for the non-magnetic pickup users should aim for 0.050”space. In
many cases the pickup and magnet are in places that make it difficult or impossible to measure air
gap – when this happens the user can get close to the measurement with a few simple steps:
1) Thread the pickup to bottom out on (touch) the magnet.
2) Turn the pickup back out of the threads one full rotation.
3) Carefully spin the engine so that the magnet goes past the pickup a few times to check that there
is no interference.
MSD Universal Sync Signal Kit
PN 2346
• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
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