MSD 8224 GM Coil Pack, 2 Tower Style Installation User Manual

Msd blaster gm dual tower coil pack

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Figure 1 The MSD GM Dual Tower Coil Pack.

IMPORTANT: Read instructions before attempting the installation.

NOTE: The PN 8224 Blaster Coil is designed as a direct replacement for most GM 2-tower coil packs

used in the mid ’80’s to ’90’s.

Parts Included:

1 - Blaster GM Dual Tower Coil Pack

WARNING: During installation, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting the battery,

always remove the Negative cable first and install it last.

This MSD GM Dual Tower Coil is designed as a replacement coil and produces a high voltage spark.

To get even more ignition performance, install an MSD DIS Series Ignition Control. To ease installation

of a DIS Ignition use MSD’s Coil Interface Modules, PN 8870 (See Figure 2).

1. Remove the coil wires and the two retaining screws.

2. Remove the factory coil.

3. Position the new MSD GM Dual Tower Coil to the module making sure the terminals ar aligned.

4. Install the hold-down screws and plug wires.

WARNING: High Voltage is present on the coil terminals. DO NOT touch the coil terminals or

tower when the engine is cranking or running.

MSD Blaster GM Dual Tower Coil Pack

PN 8224

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