MSD 8998 Single Channel Digital Ignition Tester Installation User Manual

Msd digital ignition tester, Programming, Wiring

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8 - Cylinder

6 - Cylinder

6 - Cylinder Odd

4 - Cylinder

PN7600 - 8 Cylinder

PN7600 - 6 Cylinder

MSD Digital Ignition Tester

PN 8998

These instructions detail how to use the Ignition tester with an MSD 6, 7, 8, 10, or SCI Series Ignition

and the CPC Ignition, PN 7600. If you need to test an MSD DIS Ignition, you need tester PN 8996.

WARNING: Do not connect directly to the coil or this unit will be damaged.


1 - Digital Ignition Tester, PN 8998

1 - Load Plug


When you first connect power to the Tester, the LCD will display the name and Part Number. You can

bypass this information by pushing the Red button. The Tester automatically defaults to the program

for an 8-cylinder, single trigger ignition system. To select different applications press the Red Select

button until the program you need is displayed.


The wires of the tester connect as follows.

Note: The Cam Sync connector is only used with the Digital

Programmable 7 Series and Multi-Function Controllers.


Connect to 12 volts.


Connect to a good ground source.


This is the trigger wire used to test the points/amplifier (white wire trigger) circuit of an MSD


Green/Violet: This 2-Pin connector is for testing the magnetic input circuit of MSD Ignitions. It plugs directly

into the MSD’s magnetic pickup connector. Violet is mag (+) and Green is mag (-).

This is a 2-pin connector for testing the cam sync pickup circuit of an MSD Programmable

Ignition or CPC Ignition System. It plugs directly into the MSD Digital 7 Programmable Ignition's

cam pickup connector. Light Blue is cam (+) and Light Green is cam (-) . The CPC Ignition

is supplied with a harness adapter.

Cam Sync

Lt. Blue/

Lt. Green:

Figure 1 Ignition Tester Programs.

M S D  

•   W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M   •   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0   •   F A X   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4


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