MSD 8984 Starter Saver w_Signal Stabilizer Installation User Manual
Starter saver

Starter Saver
PN 8984
Parts Included:
1 – Control
1- Parts Bag
3 – Mounting Screws
WARNING: During installation, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting the
battery, always remove the negative cable first and install it last.
Note: For use on 8-cylinder engines only.
Note: Must be used with an MSD Ignition and MSD distributor or crank trigger only.
The Starter Saver will automatically retard the timing when the engine is cranking. The timing will
return to, and stay at, the run timing setting when the rpm reaches over 800 rpm. If the engine rpm
drops below 500 rpm, the retard will activate again.
The Saver also has a very accurate magnetic pickup compensation circuit built-in and will hold the
timing steady throughout the entire rpm range of the engine. This is why there is a 4° change in the
engine timing when the Control is installed.
Important: After installation the engine’s mechanical timing must be checked and reset.
The Control can be mounted under the hood but should be away from direct engine heat sources.
Make sure the wiring reaches the connections and mark the mounting holes. Use an 1/8” bit to drill
mounting holes and mount the unit.
Connects to a switched 12 volts.
Connects to ground.
Connects to the MSD Ignition’s White wire or Points input terminal.
This 2-Pin connector plugs into the MSD crank trigger pickup or magnetic
pickup of an MSD Distributor.
Blue Loop:
This loop controls the amount of retard that occurs during cranking.
Cut the loop for 20° of start retard. Seal the wire ends.
Uncut provides 10° of start retard.
The LED on the side of the unit flashes for every trigger signal. When the
engine is running, it will appear to be illuminated all the time.
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