MSD 6010 6LS Ignition Controller for LS1_LS6 (24 tooth crank trigger) Engines Installation User Manual
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• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
Installation of the Pro-Data+ Software
1. Insert the installation CD into your PC.
2. In Windows, click on Start then select Run.
3. In the box type, “D: Setup” and press Enter (or corresponding drive).
4. The screen will walk you through several steps.
5. Once loaded, your monitor will have an MSD Graph View logo. Click on it to open the
6. A program will open. Go to the upper left corner of the screen and click on File, then Open.
7. This will open a menu of part numbers. Select “6010”.
8. This will open another menu of versions. Highlight and open the “6010vxx.IGN” (xx determines
the versions, such as 02). This will open the Pro-Data+ software for the Ignition Controller.
Saves and Transfers
Whenever a change is made to a program, it either must be saved to a file in your PC or it needs
to be transferred to the Controller. You will notice that whenever you make a change to a program,
the bullet next to the modified value will turn red. It will remain red until you save it to a file or to
the MSD. There are two ways to save your files.
Save to MSD: This step will save any changes directly into the Controller. If you are only making
one or just a couple modifications this works well.
Save to PC: This will save your changes to only show on the PC screen (indicated by a red
bullet point next to any altered values). These modifications will not be active or
saved until you save the file or transfer the information to the MSD.
You can create numerous files on your PC and download them for testing purposes or save
programs you used at different races or events.
Figure 2 Pro-Data+ Screen and Programming Windows.
Real Time
MAP Advance Chart
Timing Map