Part v countdown timer operation – Longacre 22172 Robic SC-606W Stopwatch User Manual

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Single Events: Press “A” to start. Press “A” again to stop. Press “B” to reset to all zeros.

Timing Multiple Splits: Press “A” to start. “RUN” indicator appears and time is shown running in the
lower row of the display. Press “B” to take a Split time. The Split time appears in the upper row of the
display, while the accumulated running time appears in the lower row. The LAP COUNTER will increase
by one (1) each time “B” is pressed. The SC-606 will take up to 999 Split times.

Press “A” to stop. “STOP” indicator appears. LAP COUNTER will increase by one (1) when the timer is
stopped. Press “B” once, to view the total accumulated time of the event. Then, press “B” again to reset
your SC-606 Chronograph to all zeros.

LAP/SPLIT Chronograph Operation
Please note that “LAP/SPL” is commonly referred to as “dual split” timing.

While in the Chrono (CHR) mode, press “C” until “LAP/SPL” indicator appears.

Single Events: Press “A” to start. Press “A” again to stop. Press “B” to reset to all zeros.

Timing Multiple Dual Splits: Press “A” to start. “RUN” indicator appears. Time is shown running in both
the upper and lower rows of the display. LAP COUNTER will show “001” indicating this is the first

Press “B” to take a Dual Split time reading. The time reading will appear frozen in the upper and lower
rows of the display. You may press “E” to release the frozen display to the current running LAP and
SPLIT times, or the SC-606 will automatically do so after 15 second.

Upon releasing the frozen time display, the LAP COUNTER will increase by one (1) to indicate the second
segment is now displayed.

The SC-606 will take up to 999 Dual Split readings. You may recall up to the previous 30 at any time by
pressing “F”.

To stop the Chrono, press “A”, then, press “B” to reset to all zeros.

¾ After 24 hours or 999 laps, the chronograph will cease operation.
¾ The time value in the upper row will have 1/100 second resolution for the first 60 minutes. After 60

minutes, it will have one (1) second resolution up to 24 hours. The time value in the lower row will
have 1/100 second resolution for up to 24 hours.

¾ If no pushbutton is pressed for 15 seconds, the SC-606 will return to the last previous time value if

MEMORY RECALL and AVG/MAX functions are activated.


The SC-606 offers a Multi-Mode Countdown Timer (CDT) which displays the time remaining in an event.
For example, the game clock at a football or basketball game is a Countdown Timer.

The reset time and mode is set and appears in the upper row of the display, while the actual time remaining
appears in the lower row.

The Countdown Timer has three (3) modes from which to choose:

(1) Countdown STOP (CdS) Timer automatically stops upon the completion of the countdown time.

(2) Countdown REPEAT (Cdr) Timer automatically repeats upon the completion of the countdown time.