GE Healthcare Avance User Manual
Avance, Ge healthcare, Innovating with you, shaping exceptional care

GE Healthcare
Complete patient monitoring capabilities: respiratory gas,
hemodynamic and adequacy of anesthesia
Our state of the art electronic gas mixer with pneumatic back-up control
Four patient case configuration options and four 'pages' to enhance usability
Age adjusted MAC
Superior Ventilation Options
Volume Control, Pressure Control, PSVPro
(Pressure Support with
Apnea backup mode), Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory
Ventilation (SIMV) (Volume and Pressure), electronic PEEP, Pressure
Controlled Ventilation-Volume Guaranteed (PCV-VG)
Tidal volume compensation
One motion from mechanical to manual mode
Two key presses to total standby: end case
Cardiac bypass mode
Advanced Breathing System (ABS™)
Minimal number of parts and tube connections greatly reduces
the potential for leaks and misconnects
Ease of disassembly (no tools)
Fully autoclavable and latex-free
Exceptional Design
Generous storage and work surface space
Bi-level work surface illumination
Integrated cable and tube management
Intuitive user interface
Innovating with you,
shaping exceptional care
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