GE Healthcare GE EK-Pro Arrhythmia Algorithm User Manual
Ge ek-pro arrhythmia algorithm, Quick guide, Ge healthcare

Quick Guide
Arrhythmia Algorithm
GE Healthcare
Multi-lead arrhythmia monitoring
Arrhythmia means any disturbance or irregularity of the
cardiac rhythm. Stability of the cardiac rhythm is essential
for sufficient pumping function of the heart and adequate
cardiac output. Maintaining adequate cardiac output is vital
for organ perfusion and survival. Therefore, fast and accurate
detection of arrhythmia is critical.
Each ECG lead views the heart at a unique angle. Multi-lead
monitoring provides continuous viewing of the heart rhythm
from multiple sites. The more leads that are used, in general,
the more reliable the information is for arrhythmia analysis.
A multi-lead arrhythmia algorithm uses more than one ECG
lead for detection and analysis of cardiac arrhythmias. The
performance of a multi-lead algorithm, in general, may
exceed that of a single-lead algorithm. In noisy situations,
there might be noise present on some leads, while the signal
in other leads might be good enough for reliable detection
of cardiac rhythm. Sometimes ventricular beats can be
more obvious in some of the leads than in others where the
changes in morphology are minor. It is also possible that
QRS amplitude can be low in one lead and normal in others.
Therefore, the sensitivity of the algorithm may increase when
more than one lead is used.
The recognition of ventricular beats may be improved by
multi-lead monitoring, and the same applies to QRS detection.
The decision between normal and ventricular beats may be
more reliable when information from more than one lead is
available. The GE EK-Pro arrhythmia algorithm uses I, II, III,
and the V/VA lead for arrhythmia detection. The American
Heart Association (AHA) has recommended that two or
preferably three or more leads should be displayed and
monitored simultaneously. Exceeding the AHA’s minimum
recommendation, the distinctive GE EK-Pro algorithm utilizes
four simultaneous leads for analysis.
Window in CARESCAPE modular monitors to select
the ECG leads to be analysed.
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