Starting lsm connect, Network architecture – EVS LSM Connect User Manual

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Network Architecture

The LSM Connect communicates with the Multicam application via the PC LAN
network.The tablet is plugged onto a docking station that allows the connection to the PC
LAN network.

The illustration below shows the network architecture. You can find detailed information
on the network setup, connectivity and docking station in the LSM Connect docking
station technote.


Starting LSM Connect

To start LSM Connect and connect to an EVS server, proceed as follows:

1. Tap the LSM Connect icon

located on the main (central) home screen page.

The LSM Connect application opens on the Settings window, with the focus on the
Connection menu.

2. In the Connection menu, tap XT and Remote connection.

The XT and Remote connection dialog box opens with the list of EVS servers
accessible on the network.

3. On this dialog box, select the EVS server you want to connect to and tap Connect.

After initialization, the main window opens with the default view: Clip tab on the left,
Playlist tab on the right.

With LSM Connect, you can connect to one EVS server and one LSM Remote
Panel at a time.


1. Introduction

EVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.

1.3.A July 2013