2 energizing power supply and components, 1 power supply, 2 energy absorber – American Magnetics 05200PS-430-601 Integrated Power Supply System User Manual

Page 42: Wer supply can be powered up (see, Operation, Ami model 430 programmer failure to load

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Rev. 5


Energizing Power Supply System Components


If turned off, the Model 430 Programmer must remain unpowered

for at least 5 seconds before it is powered back on. If not, there may

be an initialization error, in which case the following screen will be


If this occurs, turn the Model 430 Programmer off, wait 15 seconds

or more, and power the Model 430 Programmer back on.

When powering the system off, first turn off the power supply controlled by

the Model 430 Programmer followed by the Model 430 Programmer. The

controller will then ensure the load sees no abnormal power transients as

the power supply is turning off.

3.1.2 Energizing


Supply and Components


Do not change power supply jumpers, dip-switches, or other factory

settings. If not rack-mounted, always position power supplies and

Model 601 Energy Absorbers for convenience in disconnecting the

power cords.

Power Supply

Place the power supply switches in the ON position. No local (front

panel) adjustments or connections are required since the power

supply control mode and other parameters have been factory-

configured for control by the AMI Model 430 Power Supply


When powering the system off, turn OFF the power supplies before

powering off the Model 430 Programmer.

Energy Absorber

The Model 601 Energy Absorbers are operational immediately upon

connection to a power receptacle. Power is supplied to the Model

601’s by connecting the supplied external DC power converter to

the matching connector at the rear of the Model 601, and then

connecting the AC power cord to the appropriate power receptacles.

AMI Model 430 Programmer