Appendices, Appendix c: data field options – Garmin GPS 60 User Manual

Page 77

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Trip Time–Total—The total time the unit has been tracking since the Trip

Computer was reset.
Turn—The direction of, and distance to, the next turn on an active route.
Velocity Made Good—The rate of closure on a destination based upon

your current speed and course of travel.
Vertical Speed—The rate of altitude gain/loss over time.
Vertical Speed To Dest—The measurement of your rate of accent to a

predetermined height.
Water Speed—The data acquired from measurement devices interfaced to

the GPS 60 is used to calculate your current speed over water.
Water Temperature—The temperature of water at a measured depth using

measurement devices interfaced to the GPS 60.
Waypoint At Destination—The last point on a route, your destination.
Waypoint At Next—The next point on your route.

Appendix C:

Data Field Options