Microsoft word - additional information, Additional information – Activeforever Spa2Go Portable Spa (Blue) User Manual
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Additional Information:
Always use a grounded outlet and never use an extension cord
Before you unplug the power pack, set the temperature down to 90 degrees and let it run
for about 10 minutes, then you can unplug the unit. This allows the heating element an
opportunity to cool down, thus eliminating many "OH" (over heating) in some cases;
when you plug it back up
Each time the power pack is unplugged or electricity is interrupted, it will automatically
reset itself to a default temperature of 100 degrees.
Each time the pack is unplugged or the electricity is interrupted, you must bleed the air
valve again
Remember to replace all 3 suction caps back inside the spa after you unplug the power
pack and remove all 3 suction caps before you plug the pack back in
Make sure there is always a proper amount of water in the spa, lack of water can cause
poor circulation and heating problems
Improper water maintenance or water chemistry can cause many other problems up to
and including the deterioration of internal parts such as heating elements, springs and
switches. etc.
Refer to your owner's manual for clarification or call the number listed if you need
There may be a re set button underneath your power pack. Unplug the power pack, push
the re set button. You may or may not hear the “click” Bleed the air valve and plug the
power pack back into a grounded outlet. Re set the temperature back to 104 degrees.
Holding your finger over the water inlet valve, you can check for warm water flow. If
you feel a short burst of warm water, then the unit has been re set, replace top & cover
and let the unit run until it reaches your desired temperature setting.