Acroprint Time Q +Plus User Manual
Page 21

5.11 Lunch rules enable
Click on button to set lunch rules.
5.12 Lunch start time
The earliest time of day an employee can punch out for lunch.
5.13 Lunch end
The latest time of day at which an employee should punch
back in from lunch.
5.14 Lunch duration
The number of minutes for lunch which will be subtracted
from time worked totals. If the Lunch Duration is 60 minutes
and employee punches out at 12:01 PM and punches back in
at 12:55 PM (54 minutes) one hour will be deducted for
5.15 Auto lunch deduct after
Automatic Lunch deduct — Enter the number of hours and
minutes following an IN punch that the system will deduct
for lunch. The lunch duration will then be subtracted from the
time worked totals. An employee IN punch at 8:00 AM and
an Auto After setting of 6 hours will allow the system to
assume the employee has taken lunch and will deduct a lunch
duration at 2:00 PM.
Shift rules
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- timeQplus (software version 4.x and above) (2 pages)
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- ES900 Electronic Time Recorder (80 pages)
- ES900 Electronic Time Recorder (1 page)
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- ATR 20__20 (1 page)
- ATR 20__20 (1 page)
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- HandPunch 4000 (101 pages)
- ATT310 Totalizing Time Recorder (2 pages)
- ATT310 Totalizing Time Recorder (1 page)
- SP125 Solar Panel (1 page)
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- TQ600 (software version 4.x and above) (58 pages)
- TimeStation PC (2 pages)
- HandPunch 2000 (62 pages)
- Time Q (60 pages)
- Time Q +Plus (2 pages)
- Attendance Rx (60 pages)
- Attendance Rx (61 pages)
- 200 Clip-O-Matic (4 pages)
- ATRx ProxTime (2 pages)
- ATRx Secure PunchIn (2 pages)
- ATRx Secure PunchIn (4 pages)
- BP125 "BOSS" (2 pages)