Timeqplus version 4 work code implementation – Acroprint timeQplus (software version 4.x and above) User Manual

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timeQplus Version 4

Work Code Implementation

March 20, 2012

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Work Code Reports:


Who’s IN, Who’s OUT Report - This report shows a list of the

employees who are working, and also the Work Code that they are
currently using. NOTE: the data is not real time except for the punches
from the Virtual Clock. The terminals are set by default to retrieve the
punches every hour. If needed the timeQplus Administrator can poll the
clocks to update the status. Also, depending on the system resources the
polling time could be changed to a smaller interval.


Work Codes Totals By Work Code Report - This report shows by Pay

Period each Work Code and the number of labor hours assigned to the
Work Code.


Work Codes Totals By Employee Report - This report shows by

employee the hours recorded against each work code during the selected
Pay Period.


Raw Transaction Report – This flexible report can be can be used to

review one or several employees, a work shift of employees, or all
employees to help validate and review the employee use of Work Codes.