Timeqplus version 4 work code implementation – Acroprint timeQplus (software version 4.x and above) User Manual

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timeQplus Version 4

Work Code Implementation

March 20, 2012

Page 5 of 7

Work Code Setup
The steps to set up the Work Code functions after the system installation are:


Management Decision: You can assign specific work codes to every employee

(Mode 3) Or, you can make the Master List of Work Codes available to every
employee who would choose Work Codes from the master list of codes (Mode 4).


Note: There is more administrative overhead to assigning each employee

their list of assigned work codes (Mode3), but the accuracy of the Work
Code labor would be significantly better than the other option.


There is less administrative work to set up the master list of Work Codes

(Mode4) that are not assigned and the employees choose from the Master
List of Work Codes for each IN punch or for Work Code transfers.