Acroprint Time Q User Manual

Page 51

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Shift Round:

The minutes before the Start Time or after the Stop Time during which
employee punches will be treated as if they had occurred exactly on the
Start and Stop Times.

Shift Grace:

The minutes after the Start Time or before the Stop Time during which
employee punches will be treated as if they had occurred exactly on the
Start and Stop Times.

Shift Dock:

The minimum minutes the employee will lose from time worked totals if
punching in after the Start Time (plus grace) or before the Stop Time
(minus grace).

Note: The Shift Start Times, along with the Shift Round and Shift Grace,
define a period of time during which a in-punch will be used for time
worked totals as if the punch occurred exactly on the Start Time. Stop
Time affects calculated totals in the same fashion, except that Shift Round
comes into effect after the Stop Time and Grace allows for early
departure. Shift Dock penalizes late punch-ins and early punch-outs by
calculating time worked totals as if the Start and Stop were offset by the
number of minutes defined by the Dock.

Lunch Window Begin:

The earliest time of day at which an employee can punch out for lunch.

Lunch Window End:

The latest time of day at which an employee should punch back in from

Lunch Duration:

The number of minutes for lunch which will be subtracted from time
worked totals.

Auto Lunch After:

After this number of hours and minutes following an in-punch, the Time Q
will assume an employee has taken lunch. The Lunch Duration will then be
subtracted from the time worked totals.