Atr9800 user guide – Acroprint ATR9800 User Manual

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ATR9800 User Guide

66 Sample Reports

Job Costing –

a hierarchical method of tracking time. Time is accrued in multiple levels in
the system. The user can associate lower level jobs with higher-level jobs to
design their own system for effective cost control. The ATR9800 supports
three levels of job costing. (Requires related software.)

Lockouts –

lockouts are used to warn or provide messages to employees according to
the time they punch the clock. Lockouts are used to grant or deny access to
the system. Not to be confused with the actual messaging. (Requires related

Messaging –

messaging allows the assignment of individual or group messages seen at
the clock when the badge is swiped. Messages can easily be changed and
programmed by the user. (Requires related software.)

Pay period –

the length of time which time worked totals will accumulate for a timecard.

Pins –

pins are numbers assigned to employees to use in conjunction with their
employee badges to register a transaction. They provide a low-level form of
system security.

Punch –

the process of registering a transaction into a time recording device.
Associated with the earlier electro-mechanical clocks in which times were
stamped on a time card. Today transactions are normally swiped, scanned,
or input via keypad.

Polling –

process in which punch data is retrieved from the time clock for processing
by the software. The user initiates polling.

Programming –

process in which instructions for transaction handling are loaded into the
clock. Only qualified individuals should perform programming.
Programming errors can result in lost punch data.

Rounding –

increments of time by which employees are paid. Used to keep totals as
whole numbers for easy calculating and checking. Actual punch time shows
on reports, but the times used for totals calculations will be rounded.

Schedule –

rules contained in the software that determine how transactions are to be
processed. Employees can be assigned to multiple schedules to
accommodate work demands.

Swipe & Go –

process of punching where the transaction ends at the employee entering the
badge number. The software determines how the punch is processed.

Time & Attendance

the reporting of employee hours and other information for payroll purposes.