Atr9800 user guide – Acroprint ATR9800 User Manual
Page 36

ATR9800 User Guide
34 Lockouts
Profiles Lockouts are used to lockout, warn, or just provide messages to employees according to
the time they punch as compared to the table that is set up in each profile. Each table contains
eight (8) time zones. Each time zone is associated with one of fifteen messages to display along
with the amount of time a message will be displayed, tone to sound, whether to lockout the
employee, and can the supervisor override the lockout.
For lockouts to work correctly:
The lockout number must be assigned to a clock under clock maintenance.
The employee must be assigned to a profile.
The corresponding function key is configured under clock configurations.
The changes are programmed into the clock.
To setup a profile click the Add icon (1). Enter a number for this profile. Enter a description for
this profile. By default you start with table one. Click the save icon. Tables hold time zone
parameters (4). Each profile has fifteen tables allowing up to 15 unique time zone tables.
Add the desired messages for the time zones by clicking the ADD Message icon (2). The
Message Edit screen appears. You can enter up to 15 different messages (5). The same
messages can be used for each of the fifteen time zone tables.
Message: The message to be displayed at the clock when the employee enters their badge
Time: The amount of time the message is to be displayed.
Tone: What type of tone to will be generated at the clock. (A = Accept, R = Reject, N = None)
Lockout: Lock the employee from finishing transaction.