Atr9800 user guide – Acroprint ATR9800 User Manual

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ATR9800 User Guide

Clock Configurations 47


The timeouts tab is used to set the clock timeout settings. The three main categories of timeouts
are the general timeout for data input, message timeout and communications timeout. The
general timeout for data input is the amount of time the clock will wait after it prompts you to
put in information. For example, if you are prompted to enter badge number, the clock will
wait this amount of time before timing out.

Message timeout is the amount of time any messages displayed by the clock will be visible.
This entry is separate and will not override any entries made in the Profile Lockout module,
which has it’s own separate message display timeouts.

Communications timeout is the amount of time before the system stops its attempt to
communicate with the clock and starts to retry. This entry is entered in milliseconds.

Ports Configuration

The ports configuration tab is used to set the communications speed of the clock’s internal

Modem Answer Window: defines a window that indicates the time of day in which the clock
modem will answer an incoming call.

Modem Ring Delay: indicates the number of rings at which the modem will pickup an
incoming call.

Baud Rate: sets the baud rates of the clocks internal ports and modem. For RS-232 and
RS-485 this setting is always 9600.

Badge Details

Stored Last Characters: tells the clock to read the badge number from right to left the amount
of digits setup under Company Setup/Descriptions/Badge Length.

Max. Badge for Swipe & Go: tells then clock the maximum badge number to used for swipe
and go. Any badge number below this entry will be considered a swipe and go badge. With
swipe and go badges the employee swipes the badge and the system decides whether it is an IN
or OUT punch.

Supervisor Prefix: indicates the badge prefix that will activate the clocks supervisor mode.
Any badge numbers with this prefix will put the clock in supervisor mode.

Security Prefix: indicates the badge prefix the clock uses to validate employee transactions.
The clock will accept any badges with this prefix.

Prox. Reader Facility Code: indicates the facility code used by the proximity badges. If using
proximity badges this number is provided by the vendor.

PIN Length: if using PIN numbers as a level of security, this entry sets the length of the PIN