6 boot menu – Acnodes PC 8177 User Manual

Page 47

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Boot Menu

The Boot menu allows users to change boot options of the system.

Setup Prompt Timeout
Number of seconds to wait for setup activation key. 65535(0xFFFF) means indefinite waiting.

Bootup NumLock State
Use this item to select the power-on state for the keyboard NumLock.

Quiet Boot
Select to display either POST output messages or a splash screen during boot-up.

Fast Boot
Enable or disable boot with initialization of minimal set of devices required to launch active
boot option. Has no effect for BBS boot options.

Boot Option Priorities
These are settings for boot priority. Specify the boot device priority sequence from the
available devices.

Boot Option #1..#2
These items are used to form the boot order and are dynamically generated. They represent
either a legacy BBS (BIOS Boot Specification) class of devices or a native EFI boot entry.
Press on each option to select the BBS class / EFI boot entry desired

CD/DVD ROM Drive BBS/Hard Drive BBS Priorities
These items are for configuring the boot order for a s pecific device class. These options are
only visible if at least one device for this class is detected.