Allowable parameter combinations, Chipscope plb46 iba module block diagram – Xilinx ChipScope PLB46 IBA v1.00a User Manual
Page 11

DS619 April 7, 2009
Product Specification
Every match unit group has a match type and match counter width parameter. The match unit type describes the
type of compare operation that can be done on a match unit. The valid values for this type are defined for each
match unit. For example, C_MU_1_TYPE only supports basic and basic with edges since multiple signals make
up this match unit. Alternately, for C_MU_3_TYPE all compare options are available since this match unit has the
complete PLB_ABus bus connected to it. The match counter width allows you to look for multiple occurrences of
the match event. This counter width is controllable through the C_MU_xx_CNT_W parameter (where xx is a
place holder for the MU signal value, 1-13). When this parameter is set to 0, only one occurrence is counted; oth-
erwise, the maximum match event count is limited by the width of this parameter.
The number of match units is defined by the C_MU_xx_NUM parameter. By default, if a match unit does not
have this parameter, only one match unit is used for the match unit group. If the C_MU_xx_NUM parameter is
defined, then one or two match units can be assigned for this match group. When multiple match units are avail-
able, sequences of a match unit group can be detected. For example, in MU_2, a trigger sequence could be created
to look for PLB_PAValid=1 followed by a rising edge on PLB_SaddrAck. For this specific trigger event the first
match unit of MU_2 would be set to PLB_PAValid=1 and the second to PLB_SaddrAck=R.
Allowable Parameter Combinations
All parameters are independent of each other. Each parameter must be in the range or exact value as listed in
Table 2
. Certain combinations will disable the sub-parameters. For example, consider when C_USE_MU_3 is set
to 0. In this case all the C_MU_3_
Depending on the architecture certain parameters may fail during a design rule check. For instance, if you specify
C_NUM_DATA_SAMPLES to be 32768 for a non-Virtex-5 device, you will get an error message. Also there you
must have a width of at least one signal going to the data sample storage buffer.
ChipScope PLB46 IBA Module Block Diagram
X-Ref Target - Figure 1
Figure 1: ChipScope PLB46 IBA Block Diagram