ZyXEL Communications P-2302R-P1C User Manual
Page 57

P2302R-P1C Support Notes
All contents Copyright
2007 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IP Address= N/A Version= RIP-1
Second DNS Server= From ISP Multicast=
IP Address= N/A Edit IP Alias= No
Third DNS Server= From ISP
IP Address= N/A
DHCP Server Address= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Enable IGMP in ZyXEL Device's remote node in menu 11.3:
Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options
IP Address Assignment= Dynamic
Rem IP Addr= N/A
Rem Subnet Mask= N/A
My WAN Addr= N/A
Network Address Translation= SUA Only
Metric= 1
Private= No
RIP Direction= Both
Version= RIP-2B
Enter here to CONFIRM or ESC to CANCEL:
Key Settings:
IGMP-v1 for IGMP version 1, IGMP-v2 for IGMP version 2.