ZyXEL Communications P-2302R-P1C User Manual

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P2302R-P1C Support Notes

All contents Copyright

2007 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.


How do I access the embedded web configurator? ...................................... 99

What is the default LAN IP address and Password? Moreover, how do I

change it? ..................................................................................................... 99

How do I upload the ZyNOS firmware code via embedded web

configurator? .............................................................................................. 100

How do I upgrade/backup the ZyNOS firmware by using FTP client

program via LAN? ..................................................................................... 100

How do I upload or backup ROMFILE via web configurator? ................. 100

How do I backup/restore configurations by using FTP client program via

LAN?.......................................................................................................... 101

Why can't I make Telnet to The ZyXEL Device from WAN? .................. 101

What should I do if I forget the system password? .................................... 101

What is SUA? When should I use SUA? ................................................... 102

What is the difference between NAT and SUA? ....................................... 102

How many network users can the SUA/NAT support? ............................. 102

What are Device filters and Protocol filters? ............................................. 103

Why can't I configure device filters or protocol filters? ............................ 103

Product FAQ ......................................................................................................103

What is the ZyXEL Device Internet Access Sharing Router? ................... 103

Will the ZyXEL Device work with my Internet connection? .................... 103

What do I need to use the ZyXEL Device? ............................................... 104

What is PPPoE? ......................................................................................... 104

Does the ZyXEL Device support PPPoE? ................................................. 104

How do I know I am using PPPoE? ........................................................... 104

Why does my provider use PPPoE?........................................................... 104

Which Internet Applications can I use with the ZyXEL Device? .............. 104

How can I configure the ZyXEL Device? ................................................. 105

What network interface does the ZyXEL Device support? ....................... 105

What can we do with the ZyXEL Device? ................................................ 105

Does the ZyXEL Device support dynamic IP addressing? ........................ 105

What is the difference between the internal IP and the real IP from my ISP?

.................................................................................................................... 105

How does e-mail work through the ZyXEL Device? ................................ 105

What is the difference between the 'Standard' and 'RoadRunner' service? 106

Is it possible to access a server running behind SUA from the outside

Internet? If possible, how? ......................................................................... 106

What DHCP capability does the ZyXEL Device support? ........................ 106