Dc wire size and torque values, Mounting the xadc and panel remotely – Xantrex Technology Xantrex AC to DC Converter XADC User Manual
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Xantrex AC to DC Converter
Mounting the XADC and Panel Remotely
To mount the XADC and panel remotely:
1. Slide the panel into the mounting cutout (12 in. × 8 in. – 305 mm × 203 mm).
2. Fasten the panel to the mounting surface using 6 × #6 or #8 pan head, round
head or washer head screws suitable for mounting the panel onto
particleboard or wood.
3. Install the panel faceplate and tighten the center screw (do not overtighten as
this may cause stripping of the screw threads).
4. Install the DC fuse cover.
5. Follow the instructions in “Mounting the XADC” on page 15 to mount the
DC Wire Size and Torque Values
Table 1 Torque Requirements
Torque Value
DC (+) Load Output Terminal
12 in-lbs (12-14 AWG)
DC (+) Battery Terminal Lug
30 in-lbs (2 AWG)
28 in-lbs (4-6 AWG)
25 in-lbs (8 AWG)
25 in-lbs (10-14 AWG)
DC (-) Ground Terminal Lug
30 in-lbs (2 AWG)
28 in-lbs (4-6 AWG)
25 in-lbs (8 AWG)
25 in-lbs (10-14 AWG)
DC (-) Ground Terminal Bus
35 in-lbs (4-6 AWG)
25 in-lbs (8 AWG)
20 in-lbs (10-14 AWG)
Line/Load Terminals
See Circuit Breaker
AC Neutral/Ground Terminal Bus(s) 35 in-lbs (4-6 AWG)
25 in-lbs (8 AWG)
20 in-lbs (10-14 AWG)
Ground Terminal
45 in-lbs (6 AWG)
40 in-lbs (8 AWG)
35 in-lbs (10-14 AWG)
Table 2 DC Wire Size (to battery bank)
Converter model
Recommended minimum
DC wire gauge
Recommended maximum 2-way
DC cable length
a.Run lengths over 20 ft. (610 cm) are not recommended. Using larger run lengths or smaller gauge wires than recom-
mended will result in decreased charge/load output performance as well as additional heating and interference effects.
20 ft (610 cm)
20 ft (610 cm)
20 ft (610 cm)