Manual and automatic operation, Using alarms, Alarm display examples – Watlow Electric Micro-Based Autotuning Control SERIES 980/985 User Manual

Page 31

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Indication of Auto/Manual operation is the LED located on the AUTO/MAN key.

When the LED is ON, the control is in the Manual operation, an alarm condition

is present, and the output de-energizes. When the LED is OFF, the control is in
AUTO operation and the alarm is energized. When the LED flashes, press the
key again within five seconds to complete the change in operation. If the sensor
is open and LOC = 0 or 1, the Series 985 switches to Manual operation (time
proportioned % power), if the output was stable before the break occurred.

When transferring from auto to manual operation, the control output(s) will not
change (“bumpless,” smooth transition). When transferring from manual to

automatic operation, the control output(s) may change significantly. In manual,

the output value (% power) appears in the lower display. In automatic operation,
the set point appears.

Using Alarms

The Series 985 has two alarms types, Process or Deviation. A

Process alarm

sets an absolute temperature when the process exceeds that absolute tem-

perature limit. The Process alarm points may be independently set high, low,

or high/low.


Deviation alarm

alerts the operator when the process strays too far from set

point. The operator can enter independent high and low alarm settings. The

reference for the deviation alarm is the set point. Any change in set point

causes a corresponding shift in the deviation alarm. Example: If your set point



and you have a deviation alarm set at ±7°F as the high limit, and -5°F

as the low limit, the high alarm will trip at 107°F, and the low alarm at 95°F. If

you change the set point to 130°F, the alarms will follow the set point and trip at

137°F and 125°F.

Alarm Silencing

for alarm output A1 is available with the deviation alarm. This

overrides alarm A1 during power up. The non-latching mode automatically
enables alarm output A1 on initial power up. In the latching mode, the operator

must manually disable the alarm by pressing the AUTO/MAN key once. In both

cases alarm silencing disables the A1 alarm output relay, but the A1 LED

displays the alarm condition until the process value is within the “safe” region of

the deviation alarm band. Once the process value crosses into the “safe”

region, both a latching or a non-latching alarm is ready. Any future deviation

outside this safe band triggers an alarm.

Both Process and Deviation alarms can be latching or non-latching. The

operator must manually reset a latching alarm before the alarm will reset. The
operator must also remove the condition that created the alarm. When the
operator removes the condition causing the alarm, a non-latching alarm auto-

matically resets the alarm output.

Flashing ‘LO” or “HI” in the lower display indicates an alarm.

The Lower display alternately displays information from the current parameter

and the “LO” or “HI” alarm message at one second intervals. The alarm output
(Output 2) is de-energized and the LOAD 2 LED is lit.

To clear an alarm...


The alarm condition must first be corrected...
• If the alarm is latching...

Clear manually; press the AUTO/MAN key once as soon as

the process temperature is inside the alarm limit by 3°F/l.7°C for 1°

RTD units, and 0.3°F/0.17°C for 0.1° RTD units.

Figure 31 -

Alarm Display


Press once -

a latched


Tuning and Operating, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 980/985 User’s Manual 31