Trimble Outdoors SPSX51 User Manual

Page 96

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7 Configuring the Receiver Settings

94 SPSx51 Modular GPS Receivers User Guide

OmniSTAR menu

All receivers, except the SPS551H, can receive OmniSTAR corrections. By default,
OmniSTAR tracking is turned on in the receiver. To receive OmniSTAR corrections, you
must set the receiver to track OmniSTAR satellites and it must have a valid OmniSTAR
subscription. To purchase a subscription for your receiver, contact OmniSTAR at:

North & South America, 1-888-883-8476 or 1-713-785-5850
Europe & Northern Africa, 31-70-317-0900
Australia & Asia, 61-8-9322 5295
Southern Africa, 27 21 552 0535

This figure shows an example of the screen that appears when you select OmniSTAR /